Every year off the east coast of Canada, out of season fishermen brutally kill thousands of baby seals – just for their fur. Their skinned carcasses are left to rot. These beautiful, innocent animals are clubbed or shot before being skinned… all for a product that NO ONE needs! Repelled by the extreme cruelty, the European Union has now banned the sale of seal products, yet the Canadian government refuses
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San Francisco BANS the sale of fur
San Francisco supervisors have voted UNANIMOUSLY to ban the sale of fur, furthering the city’s animal-loving credentials as it becomes the largest U.S. city to approve the prohibition. Animal welfare advocates around the world cheered news of Tuesday’s vote, applauding the city for its compassion and hoping that the legislation will catch on. The ban takes effect Jan. 1 and applies to apparel and accessories featuring real fur, including coats,
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Sign NOW To Help Save Serbia’s Fur Farm Ban
Rattled by recent major advances by the anti-fur movement, the fur industry is now putting huge pressure on the Serbian government to delay the fur farming ban (that is due to become effective in 2019) – likely following the Bosnian example. In a recent meeting of the Sector for Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the National Assembly of Serbia, held on 20 February 2018, fur farmers were able to spread
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Versace goes fur free!
“Fur? I’m out of that.. I don’t want to kill animals to make fashion. It doesn’t feel right.” In an interview with the Economist’s 1843, the world-renowned fashion leader Donnatella Versace announced that the Versace fashion brand is dropping the use of real fur. In an interview with Luke Leitch for the magazine, the designer stated that she would no longer use real animal fur in any of her
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Hong Kong’s fur fair is shocking. But these brilliant activists are taking them on.
Last week saw the news about anti-fur activists organising an unprecedented demo outside an international fur fair in Hong Kong, calling for an end the brutal fur trade. The fur fair in Hong Kong is important to the anti-fur campaign because it is a key bridge between fur production in Europe and the key markets for fur demand, especially China. Here are some pictures from the excellent demo..
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Fur For Animals Design Awards 2018
The fur trade is cruel and unnecessary, killing tens of millions of innocent, beautiful animals every year. It is also a multi-billion dollar a year global industry. To counter them, Respect for Animals is pleased to announce this year’s student design competition. The brief asks talented creatives to submit guerrilla, viral content for the anti-fur campaign, under the branding ‘Fur For Animals’. If this inspires you or anyone you know
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