Serbia latest: ‘Make Fur History’ event in Belgrade boosts keep the ban campaign

Respect for Animals Campaigns Director, Mark Glover, has today (7 June 2018) been in Belgrade countering the misinformation from fur industry lobbyists, who are desperately seeking to delay or cancel the upcoming fur farming ban in Serbia. Along with local campaigners, Mark presented the Fur Free Alliance’s Make Fur History exhibition to political figures and media representatives. Mark was joined by Stevan Lilic, Ljibjana Gledic, as well as Tamara Jevtovic,
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Serbia: animal welfare organisations BANNED from ‘public’ sessions to consider keeping fur farms

The fur industry has been lobbying the Serbian government ruthlessly, in a desperate attempt to keep the right to breed chinchillas in shocking fur farm conditions and avoid another embarrassing defeat. A public session has been arranged at the Serbian parliament on Tuesday 5 June to debate extending the proven cruelty of chinchilla fur factory farming.  Shockingly, in an affront to the most basic principles of democracy, animal protection organisations
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Live transport of mink by the fur industry condemned

New footage has been released by Bont Voor Dieren and  Eyes on Animals/TSB|AWF showing th full horror of live transport of mink by the fur industry. The truck was inspected by a team from Eyes on Animals/TSB|AWF when it was on its way from a Dutch mink farm to Poland. There were hundreds of mink in tiny, filthy cages on board the truck. The animals were stressed, trying to break
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