Saga Furs, the major fur auction house owned by the Finnish fur industry, has released a statement announcing plans to lay off all of its staff for a three month period. The company has also admitted that its financial results will again be ‘in the negative’. The news comes as Saga Furs conducts its fur auction online, having been forced to abandon staging the auction in the usual way due
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Early Day Motion 267: ban fur imports.
Please contact your MP and ask them to sign EDM 267 calling for a ban on fur imports and sales. There is a template email for you to use at the bottom of this page. Here is the full text of EDM #267: That this House urges the Government to introduce legislation to ban the imports and sales of real fur products; notes that the UK has long banned the
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Alison Steadman’s BlogSpot
Acclaimed actor Alison Steadman has been a supporter of ours for decades. Read her Blog to find out why she has given up so much of her time down the years to help stop animals being slaughtered for their fur. As she says: 'we should all have respect for animals as well as each other.'
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Writer Liz Jones’ Blogspot
Liz Jones is one of Britian's most prominent writers. Did you know she's also a committed supporter of the campaign against the cruel and unnecessary fur trade?
Liz has written a blog for us in which she expands on her heartbreaking experiences tracking the barbaric Canadian seal hunt.
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‘Sickening’ fur trapper in Wales prompts calls for Welsh Government action
Sign the petition here Respect for Animals, a leading campaign group against the international fur trade, has called on the Welsh Government to review the legal framework around trapping in Wales. This comes after a national outcry in response to an investigation that revealed a man in Wales has been killing and skinning hundreds of foxes for their fur around the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park. The Hunt Investigation Team
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