Alison Steadman’s BlogSpot

Acclaimed actor Alison Steadman has been a supporter of ours for decades. Read her Blog to find out why she has given up so much of her time down the years to help stop animals being slaughtered for their fur. As she says: ‘we should all have respect for animals as well as each other.’

As I write this, a young fox is in my garden. He’s hungry and nervous, but he looks healthy.

His coat is beautiful. And what’s important is that it’s the fox’s coat. It belongs to him  or her. 

When I was a small child in the 1940’s my Mum had a fox fur stole. I loved it. It’s head was still there and the brown glass eyes looked beautiful to me then

My mum was a kind lady but of course in her ‘day’ this stole was acceptable as a piece of fashionable  clothing.

Fur looks beautiful on the animal but NOT  on human beings. A great number of people now recognise that it’s unacceptable now to wear an animal’s skin. But sadly, a lot of people still think wearing animal skins is perfectly fine. Indeed, they think it’s their right to do so.

I want to scream out loud that the skin/coat belongs to the ANIMAL, NOT TO HUMAN BEINGS. We can keep warm quite easily without depriving animals of their skins, and consequently their lives.

If everyone stopped buying animal skins then the fur trade would die immediately.

The charity ‘Respect for Animals’ says it all in the title. They work tirelessly to educate people and to raise awareness of this dreadful fur trade. 

We should all have respect for animals as well as each other.