Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael and the Green Party are set to form the next Irish government, with all three parties agreeing on a programme of government this afternoon. Respect for Animals is delighted that the document includes a firm commitment to end fur farming in Ireland as a matter of urgency. Once the document, known as “Our Shared Future,” is signed off by parliamentary members of each party, the next
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Not a single mink left in Estonian fur farms
The Estonian animal advocacy organization Loomus, colleagues of Respect for Animals in the Fur Free Alliance, is proud to report that, according to assurances from the Ministry of Rural Affairs and a verification visit by Veterinary and Food Board, the Estonian fur farms no longer house a single mink. Also, as stated to Loomus by Veterinary and Food Board, and the Environmental Board of Estonia, the Neitla mink farm had
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Make Fur History Podcast with Joshua Katcher
Photo of Joshua by Marko Sovilj Joshua Katcher is a fashion designer, activist, author and educator, whose strong stance against the fur industry makes him a key figure in fur-free fashion. In our first podcast, we chatted with him about the campaign to ban fur in New York, the need for innovation in the fashion industry and much more.. Respect for Animals · Episode 1: Katcher In The Rye. Joshua
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Thousands of fur farmed mink culled in Holland after coronavirus outbreak
The Dutch government has ordered the culling of thousands of mink on nine fur farms, following advice from a team of veterinary and infectious disease experts that mink fur farms could act as a reservoir for SARS-COV-2, allowing it to remain in circulation for a long time. Dutch MPs were notified of the cabinet decision in a letter sent by the Dutch Agriculture Minister and the Minister for Public Health,
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Where’s the money gone? Canadian taxpayers are handing out MILLIONS to failing fur factory farms.
The financial crisis enveloping the fur trade has been closely monitored by Respect for Animals over recent years. North America’s fur trade has been particularly hit. Last year the North American Fur Auction (NAFA) had been taken over by Finnish fur group Saga Furs, having descended into near financial ruin. You can read the latest on Saga’s own troubles here: . Now an in-depth report by Canadian news outlet
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Canada’s seal hunt has been virtually stopped by Covid-19
It is known around the world as one of the most shocking scenes of bloodshed, a painful reminder of the bloody impact of the fur industry, but the Canadian seal hunt has seen a huge drop in the number of seals killed with the majority of the commercial hunt being closed. This is due to the impact of Covid-19. According to preliminary figures on the website of Canada’s Department for
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