Horrific fur farm footage from France reveals the truth about fur

New footage, taken in August 2020, has been published by French organisation, and Fur Free Alliance colleagues of Respect for Animals, One Voice, detailing once again the truth about animal suffering on fur farms.

Mink were documented with long-lasting physical injuries and serious mental anguish. There is no doubt that these animals experienced high levels of suffering. Such animal welfare failures are common on fur farms, as documented in this scientific report.

Everywhere there are mutilated mink: eyes, teeth, tails, paralysed and necrotic legs, skin diseases … and piles of droppings, causing real and lasting soil pollution.

The horrific footage can be seen in the video below, but be aware of distressing images contained in the video.

The good news is that the number of fur farms in France has declined in recent years. In fact, there are now only four mink fur factory farms remaining, evidence that the morally bankrupt fur industry is declining and, hopefully, making a fur farming ban more likely.

A statement by OneVoice reads:

The images we reveal were filmed in August 2020 and show how the last four fur farms in the country look like. They are better guarded, some are having work done on them – indicating that fur farms are not going to vanish totally from France tomorrow – but the horror in the cages remains.
There are fewer mink in the ‘fur farm of horrors’ in Eure-et-Loir: not all the cages are occupied and there is no longer any overcrowding. But the air in them continues to be unbreathable and the droppings still pile up like stalagmites, and as for the poor mink …
We are asking that they be shut down before the end of the year by ministerial decree and for the worst of the four, the one in Eure-et-Loir, to be shut down immediately! We are submitting an additional complaint relating to ‘the fur farm of horrors’.

All photos and media courtesy of OneVoice, https://one-voice.fr/