New undercover footage from a Canadian fur farm has resulted in charges of 14 counts of animal cruelty. The Los Angeles-based Last Chance For Animals organisation gathered the footage over a period of 12 months. The investigation documents the type of horrific suffering on a mink farm that is all too common and why fur farming worldwide has to be banned. Apologists for the fur trade and anyone wearing real
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Save The Seals 2020: Boycott Canada
Every year off the east coast of Canada, out of season fishermen brutally kill thousands of baby seals – just for their fur. Their skinned carcasses are left to rot. These beautiful, innocent animals are clubbed or shot before being skinned… all for a product that NO ONE needs! Repelled by the extreme cruelty, the European Union has now banned the sale of seal products, yet the Canadian government refuses
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Mink fur factory farm receives $4 MILLION of taxpayers’ money and STILL goes bust.
The story shows that Canada is ripe for a comprehensive fur farming ban. A mink fur factory farm in Prince Edward Island, Canada that received $4 million in loans from the provincial government is in receivership, with taxpayers set to lose huge sums of money. At one point in 2016, the company had more than 80,000 mink, according to court documents. In what is an embarrassing misuse of public funds, a
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