Kopenhagen Fur, the world’s largest fur auction house and owned by Danish fur breeders, has announced plans to close. This follows the news last week that Denmark announced plans to cull all its mink – as many as 17 million – after a mutated form of coronavirus that can spread to humans and threatens the efficacy of potential vaccines was found on mink factory farms. The 90-year-old company says it
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Poland close to historic fur farming ban
Over two dramatic days, the Sejm (the lower house of the Polish Parliament) has held a historic meetings advancing the legal protection of animals in Poland. It concerned the so-called “Five for animals”: a proposed bill with key changes to animal protection law. MPs voted in favour of an amendment, which includes a ban on breeding animals for fur. The sitting of Sejm on Thursday, 17 September 2020 was saw
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Breakthrough in campaign to end fur farming in Finland
In a historical vote, the Social Democratic party of Finland (SDP) committed to working towards ending fur farming and fur sales both in Finland and in the EU within a reasonable transition period. News on the decision broke on during the Social Democrats’ party congress, held in Tampere, Finland. Finnish animal rights organizations Animalia and Justice for Animals thank the Social Democrats for their forward-thinking conclusion. The SDP is Finland’s
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Mink on Dutch fur farm have coronavirus
Two mink farms in the Netherlands have been placed into quarantine after coronavirus was detected in the animals, the Dutch Agricultural Ministry has said. Animals on fur farms are raised in terrible conditions, with non-domesticated animals kept in close confinement in tiny barren cages. The animals were displaying symptoms that included respiratory issues, the ministry said, adding that it assumed they contracted the virus from farm employees. As a result, the
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We want a Fur Free UK- sign our letter
Rawtenstall Market, Clog Market joins the Fur Free Markets scheme
Respect for Animals, Britain’s leading anti-fur organisation, has praised the market operators of Rawtenstall Market and the Clog Market for banning the sale of real fur. The market operator has officially signed up to the Fur Free Markets scheme and has been given a 5-star rating from Respect for Animals – making it one of the best markets in the country for their policy on real fur. The selling of
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#FFUK – calling for a Fur-Free UK
Can you spare a minute to sign this petition? A recent article in the Independent revealed that a UK retailer is selling a coat made from killing and skinning 100 hamsters and we all often see hats with real fox fur pompoms and coats with collars made with coyote fur. All of these animals, slaughtered cruelly for fashion. As the law stands, imports of fur are legal. The law must
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Ask Ireland to ban fur farming: sign our letter
Last Autumn, the Solidarity Party presented a Bill to ban fur farming before the Dail. The Bill will be debated and voted on in early July 2019. The ‘Prohibition of Fur Farming Bill 2018’ was submitted by Ruth Coppinger TD, who said: “We believe this is something that’s really important for the welfare of animals. Mink are farmed in Ireland and these are actually meant to be wild, untamed animals
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Fur debate in Parliament: ask your MP to attend
Check who your MP is and write to them here In March, a petition on the parliamentary petition website calling for a ban on the sale of real fur in the UK passed 100,000 signatures, meaning that the issue had to be considered for debate in Parliament. The petition was started by two fantastic anti-fur activists, Catherine and Diane, and, thanks to their efforts, we now have an official date.
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