Respect for Animals, Britain’s leading anti-fur organisation, has praised the market operators of Rawtenstall Market and the Clog Market for banning the sale of real fur.
The market operator has officially signed up to the Fur Free Markets scheme and has been given a 5-star rating from Respect for Animals – making it one of the best markets in the country for their policy on real fur.
The selling of real fur at markets in the UK, especially Christmas markets, has become a major problem in recent years. Many customers have bought real fur thinking it is fake due to the cheap price and lack of labelling of real fur products.
Respect for Animals has documented numerous cases where hats with real fur bobbles and fake fur bobbles are being sold at the same market, unlabelled, and for the same price. Real fur can be imported very cheaply from countries where there is virtually no enforced animal welfare legislation.
Richard Bissett, Campaigns Manager at Respect for Animals, said:
“Respect for Animals receives many complaints from members of the public about real fur on sale at their local markets. The operators of Rawtenstall Market deserves great praise adopting a policy that bans the sale of real fur. Shoppers will be able to enjoy the markets, especially during the Christmas period, without worrying about potentially buying products from the barbaric fur trade.”
Jane Boys of the Clog Market, commented:
“The Clog Market has always been fur free, now we are working in partnership with Rossendale Borough Council at Rawtenstall market this our opportunity to formalise the issue. Our customers support this”
Respect for Animals supports the enforcement of the Fur Free Markets policy by microscopically testing dubious items free of charge. No financial commitments are required by market operators.
More information on the Clog Market can be found here:
Further details on the Fur Free Markets scheme can be found here.
• Respect for Animals is a leading anti-fur organisation, with decades of campaigning experience.
• The UK banned fur farming in 2000 and the use of the steel leghold trap (the main method of trapping wild animals for their fur) has been outlawed for its cruelty for over 50 years. Despite the main methods of production being banned, real fur is still imported into the UK – often at very cheap prices.
• Over 100 million animals are killed just for their fur every year.
• Respect for Animals now runs the Fur Free Retailer and the Fur Free Markets schemes, while campaigning for a nationwide ban on the import and sale of real fur.
• The Clog Market is an independent social enterprise in Rawtenstall in the Rossendale Valley, Lancashire. Our makers, bakers, creators and market traders sell vintage, artisan, handmade, floral, arts&crafts, food, drink, patisserie and other cool stuff.