Ask Your MEP to Make A Difference In the Battle Against The Fur Trade

November 2015 has seen Respect for Animals unveil our new scientific report, ‘The Case Against Fur Factory Farming: A Scientific Review of Animal Welfare Standards and WelFur’, written by academics Heather Pickett and Simon Harris.  The report was presented at the European Parliament by Respect for Animals director Mark Glover.  Closely examining the fur trade’s WelFur programme of ‘high animal welfare’, the report scientifically analyses and exposes the fundamental flaws of these attempts to legitimise this cruel industry.  As Mark said to those at the European Parliament:

“FurEurope has an annual budget of 4 million Euros to spend on this project and it has invested in what may turn out to be one of the biggest attempted cons in the history of animal welfare. It has, in a calculated manner, attempted to use the European Commission’s Welfare Quality program to legitimise its own squalid business..The fact is mink and fox are unlike any other type of animals reared on farms.”

The document is an example of how Respect for Animals take on the fur trade in the most effective ways possible: by campaigning with policy makers and using robust science. We will be sending copies of it to all officials and politicians in the EU as well as to legislatures of all the member states. We hope that the report provides the ever increasing numbers of opponents to fur farming with more ammunition with which to fight and end this callous cruelty in their own countries.

But we need your help.  Fur farming might be banned in the UK, but  over 41 million mink and over two million foxes every year are killed for their fur in other  EU nations.

Please take ten minutes of your time to contact your MEP, asking them to:

1)      support national initiatives to ban fur farming in EU member states;

2)      support moves to make the European Parliament buildings fur free environments;

3)      ensure that real fur on sale is clearly labelled.

You can read more about the horrors of fur farming here and you can read more about the need for effective fur labelling here.

You can find out who your MEPs are by following this link, or by entering your postcode into the box at the bottom of the page.

Don’t forget, you can also help us take on the fur trade by donating to support Respect for Animals work.


Please forward your responses to us at

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