CHICCO, a brand dedicated to the entire world of babies, banned the use of animal furs since a long time but now goes one step further to undersign a formal fur-free commitment with LAV and the Fur Free Alliance.
The brand, which has always focused great attention on the materials used in the production and creation of its babies’ and children’s wear collections – from 0 to 8 years – thus confirms its commitment to promote sustainable fashion by complying with the standards of the Fur Free Retailer program ( and Animal Free Fashion and consolidates its decision not to use animal furs.
CHICCO’s signature is the result of the brand’s interaction with LAV, in its role as Italian representative of the Fur Free Alliance International network, and underpins the sense of responsibility driving the brand to spread and promote respect for the principles of animal wellbeing and protection, in line with its own company mission and DNA, that of being “wherever there’s a child”.
Joh Vinding, President of Fur Free Alliance states: “We are delighted to welcome CHICCO as a partner of the Fur Free Retailer program. With the support of companies like Chicco, which care about the future generations, fur-free will be the new normal throughout the fashion business.”
Simone Pavesi, LAV Manager – Animal Free Fashion goes on to say: “It is good to know that Chicco has joined our program, because the signature of such a well-established brand as Chicco can only highlight the importance of fur free fashion.”
Orseniga, Business Manager for Fashion & Retail Chicco declares: “With this signature, Chicco confirms a commitment the brand had already undertaken since a long time and we hope this may help promote an increasingly mindful attitude within the fashion industry, in the interests of animals and their wellbeing.”
Who are CHICCO?
A brand dedicated to the entire world of babies, Chicco offers specific and safe solutions to be close to parents each and every day during the unique and extraordinary growth of their children, right from their birth. For over 60 years, Chicco has been “Where there is a child”: thanks to its Baby Research Center, to dialogue with parents, to observation of children and to continuous collaboration with experts and with the medical and scientific community, Chicco is close to parents and families in order to listen to them and give them simple and effective answers. Worldwide, Chicco is one of the top 10 Italian consumer goods brands, present in over 120 countries and constantly growing.
Who are the Fur Free Alliance?
The international coalition of over 40 organizations for animal protection, which work together to put an end to the exploitation and killing of animals for their fur. The FFA represents millions of supporters throughout the world.
FFA focuses particular attention on animal deprivation and cruelty, inflicted by traps or in “fur” farms. To fulfil its objectives, the FFA sets out to:
- inform the public about the dire suffering inflicted on animals by the fur industry
- promote new legislation
- grow awareness among consumers and within the fashion industry to encourage the use of materials other than furs
- act on a national and international level through joint or individual campaigns