Fur For Animals Design Awards 2018

The fur trade is cruel and unnecessary, killing tens of millions of innocent, beautiful animals every year. It is also a multi-billion dollar a year global industry. To counter them, Respect for Animals is pleased to announce this year’s student design competition.

The brief asks talented creatives to submit guerrilla, viral content for the anti-fur campaign, under the branding ‘Fur For Animals’.

If this inspires you or anyone you know to use your skills to help change the world and save animals, then we’d love you to take part.

The competition is open to all students from recognised further and higher education courses.

We are delighted that a number of top-50 UK design agencies are in discussions with us about the competition. The best in the business will be involved in the judging process and in production.

Our past competitions have attracted a great deal of interest, producing high quality and creative work that have been used as part of our anti-fur campaigns.

There will be a range of prizes on offer – to be announced via the dedicated competition website: www.furforanimals.org

Please do not hesitate to get back to us if you need any further information. The full design brief, FAQs, etc can be found on the website along with some useful links for potential competition entrants.

Register your interest here at www.furforanimals.org