Below you will find our database detailing who are the compassionate retailers you can trust not to sell fur. Click to go to their website and shop fur-free!
If you want your business to join the list of compassionate retailers, then please fill in the form on this page or email us directly at
If you are unsure if an item is real or fake fur then click here to access our guide on how to tell the difference between real and fake fur.
Fur Free Retailer
The Fur Free Retailer Program is a leading global initiative connecting fur-free businesses to consumers seeking ethical goods. Run in over 25 countries and with over 1500 brands, the Fur Free Retailer program is an international initiative of the Fur Free Alliance, a coalition of more than 50 animal protection organizations worldwide working together to end the breeding and killing of animals for their fur. In the UK, the program is managed by Respect for Animals. Many British companies have committed in writing to the Fur Free Retailer programme. By signing up, these outlets have proven that they are socially responsible and are opposed to the cruelty of the fur trade.