Please Support My Half Marathon Run for Respect for Animals!

Respect for Animals campaigns against the cruel and unnecessary fur trade, in the UK and internationally. We’ve got a proud track record, from leading the campaigns to ban fur farming in the UK and to ban seal, cat and dog fur from the EU, to persuading fashion’s biggest names to ditch real fur. We run the Fur Free Retailers scheme in the UK and have persuaded many markets and councils to adopt fur-free policies. We rely on public donations to keep up our successes.

Much has been achieved but, with tens of millions of beautiful animals still being killed and factory farmed in terrible conditions, there is so much more still to do.

We’ve banned fur farming and the main trap used for wild fur trapping due to the inherent and unacceptable cruelty and suffering caused.

Despite this, the import and sale of real fur is still legal. This is hypocritical and wrong.

We are now campaigning for a fur-free UK.

Fur bans have been passed in US cities and the state of California is on the verge of an historic fur sales ban later this year.

How proud would we be if the UK can be the first country to do the same and ban fur sales?

Richard is running the Robin Hood Half Marathon on 29 September to help end the scandal of the cruel and unnecessary fur trade.

All funds raised will go directly to the campaign to make fur history once and for all.