Watch the official video of the Oxford Summer School on Ethics of Fur

Top academics and campaigners from around the world joined us in Oxford from 23-26 July to discuss the ethics of the fur trade.

Talks and papers ranged from the fur trade in China, to the impact of fur farming on the environment to the way Disney portrays the wearing of fur.

Watch the film here:


Summer School Film 2017 from Oxford Animal Ethics


It was a truly brilliant event and a huge step forward to the global anti-fur movement.

As Respect for Animals Director Mark Glover says in the film:

“We’re very proud to be associated with the College and with Andrew and Clair [Linzey] who organised this fantastic event. The depth and the wisdom of the speakers is just incredible, and as so-called experts on the fur issue we’ve learned so much.”

Thank you to everyone who donated to make the event possible, it was a real success for the anti-fur movement globally.