Update: Ireland’s fur farming ban

Respect for Animals has spoken to the Republic of Ireland’s Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine (DAFM) about the progress of the proposed Bill to ban fur farming in Ireland. The Cabinet agreed in July last year to produce legislation to finally end fur farming in the country. This came after a strong campaign in which Respect for Animals was closely involved, along with animal protection groups NARA and ISPCA.
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‘Plausible’ that humans can be infected with coronavirus from fur farmed mink

It is plausible that there has been an infection of coronavirus from mink to humans, the Dutch Agriculture Minister has confirmed in a bombshell development. As previously reported, a number of fur farms in the Netherlands have been quarantined after coronavirus was detected in the animals. Fur farming is an intensive factory farm method of production, with animals kept in small cages in very close proximity. Now one of the
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A Guide To Fur Bans Around The World

Fur is cruel. The conditions that fur farmed animals are kept in are atrocious, the methods to kill them inhumane. All this horror for a product we don’t really need. Fur belongs to the animals. Due to the overwhelming animal welfare science and ethical concerns, country after country has phased out or banned fur farming and a number of US cities have introduced sales bans on real fur, with similar
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Mink on Dutch fur farm have coronavirus

Two mink farms in the Netherlands have been placed into quarantine after coronavirus was detected in the animals, the Dutch Agricultural Ministry has said. Animals on fur farms are raised in terrible conditions, with non-domesticated animals kept in close confinement in tiny barren cages. The animals were displaying symptoms that included respiratory issues, the ministry said, adding that it assumed they contracted the virus from farm employees.  As a result, the
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