A Critique of Fur in Fashion : The Reign of Arrogance

(This text is taken from the 2017 Oxford lecture at the ‘Animal Ethics’ Global Summit: Ferrater Mora Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics – Author: Jasmine Alexander) It’s taken me a long while to fully and comprehensively find myself committed to a peaceful existence…  by this I mean whilst I have been a conscious pacifist since the age of 17, an animal advocate my entire existence and vegetarian since the age
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Take action: save the seals

The cruel and brutal Canadian seal hunt has begun on the ice floes off the coast of Newfoundland. Over the coming weeks, thousands of beautiful, innocent baby seals will be clubbed or shot. With favourable ice conditions this year, 2022 is set to see this gruesome spectacle even more deplorable than usual. Most of the seals killed are less than a few months old. At the time of slaughter, many
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