The fur industry suffered another major setback as Israel has become the first country to ban the sale of real fur.
“The fur industry causes the deaths of hundreds of millions of animals worldwide, and inflicts indescribable cruelty and suffering,” Environmental Protection Minister Gila Gamliel said in a statement after signing the amendment, which goes into effect in six months.
The minister also tweeted on the historic move: “Now the whole world knows we made history today, fur is no longer in fashion,” she tweeted.
Israeli media reported that the legislation takes the form of an amendment to 1976 regulations passed within the framework of the Wildlife Protection Law. The legislation exempts ultra-Orthodox Jews, who often wear cake-shaped sable hats known as shtreimels on Shabbat and holidays, although importers will now need to apply for special permits.
The founder of the International Anti-Fur Coalition, Israel-based friend of Respect for Animals Jane Halevy said in a statement:
“The IAFC has promoted a bill to ban the sale of fur in Israel since 2009, and we applaud the Israeli government for finally taking the historic leap towards making fur for fashion history,
“All animals suffer horrifically at the hands of this cruel and backwards industry. Nothing is stronger than an idea whose time has come. Killing animals for fur should become illegal everywhere – it is high time that governments worldwide ban the sale of fur.”
Respect for Animals congratulates Jane Halevy’s achievement and thanks her for her years of tireless campaigning agianst fur. Read Jane’s blog for Respect for Animals here: Jane Halevy Moreno, December 2018 | Respect for Animals
The ban is a major event in the anti-fur movement. The UK government is now under pressure to follow. Find out more about our campaign to end fur sales in Britain here: We need a UK fur ban | Respect for Animals