3 reasons to donate to the campaign against the cruel fur trade

The fur trade thinks that the Covid-19 crisis will stop us campaigning to save animals. Prove them wrong. Donate today. You might have seen that the fur trade’s mentality was recently expressed in a fur industry propaganda blog, which shockingly described the coronavirus crisis as a ‘small silver lining’ and ‘an opportunity’ for the fur trade, with animal protection organisations unable to mount effective campaigns. Let’s show them a thing
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CHICCO, a brand dedicated to the entire world of babies, banned the use of animal furs since a long time but now goes one step further to undersign a formal fur-free commitment with LAV and the Fur Free Alliance. The brand, which has always focused great attention on the materials used in the production and creation of its babies’ and children’s wear collections – from 0 to 8 years –
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