Ireland: fur farming ban included in Programme For Government document

Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael and the Green Party are set to form the next Irish government, with all three parties agreeing on a programme of government this afternoon. Respect for Animals is delighted that the document includes a firm commitment to end fur farming in Ireland as a matter of urgency. Once the document, known as “Our Shared Future,” is signed off by parliamentary members of each party, the next
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Update: Ireland’s fur farming ban

Respect for Animals has spoken to the Republic of Ireland’s Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine (DAFM) about the progress of the proposed Bill to ban fur farming in Ireland. The Cabinet agreed in July last year to produce legislation to finally end fur farming in the country. This came after a strong campaign in which Respect for Animals was closely involved, along with animal protection groups NARA and ISPCA.
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