Veterinary Ireland recommends immediate ban on fur farming

In what is being considered as a huge boost for the campaign to end the horror of fur farming in the Republic of Ireland, Veterinary Ireland has announced that, having considered the available science, it is recommending an urgent ban on the fur farming of mink and other wild animals. In what is a further blow for the morally bankrupt fur trade, their prized programme WelFur is dismissed as utterly
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Research shows that being ‘fur-free’ offers the boost that fashion brands crave.

The global research consultancy Sigwatch has found that luxury fashion houses have dominated the top ten corporate brands most praised by activists and NGOs in the third quarter of this year. All the fashion brands listed have one thing in common: they have all stopped using real fur. This analysis provides yet more evidence that fashion brands have much to gain by going fur-free. Not only are they taking an
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Jane Halevy Moreno, December 2018

My name is Jane Halevy Moreno, I am a Vegan Animal Rights activist and mom of 2 boys. I had founded International Anti Fur Coalition movement as I decided to focus my efforts on the fur industry when I first saw the horrific footage of an animal suffering imposed by the very cruel fur industry/ “Blood Fashion”. “I saw a beautiful animal torn apart, brutally beaten, then hanged by his legs to be skinned alive and
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