VICTORY: Republic of Ireland passes law to ban fur farming

Respect for Animals is delighted that the Bill to ban fur farming in the Republic of Ireland has passed the final stages of the parliamentary process. Having passed the Dáil in early 2022, the Bill passed its final stage in the Seanad on the evening of Tuesday 29 March 2022. The legislation now goes to the President to be signed into law. Ireland becomes the most recent country to ban
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Bill to end fur farming passes Ireland’s Dáil

On Wednesday 2 February 2022, the evening session of the Dáil Éireann in Ireland’s Parliament saw the report and final stages of the Bill which will finally outlaw fur farming in the Republic of Ireland. The Bill had been subject to some delay after the government decided to add legislation concerning forestry, which had nothing to do with the fur farming aspect but required further scrutiny. The ban on fur
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Ireland: Cabinet APRROVES fur farming ban

On Tuesday 22 June 2021, Cabinet approval was granted to abolish fur farming in the Republic of Ireland. The measures will be part of an amendment to the Animal Health and Welfare Act 2013, and are likely to include a provision that chinchillas and foxes and mink can not be farmed for their fur or skin. There are currently three fur farms in Ireland, which kill around 100,000 mink annually.
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Mink farms in Ireland will be shut down ‘by the end of the year’

Successive governments have pledged to ban fur farming in Ireland for some years now, after a campaign co-led by Respect for Animals. Finally, the government has confirmed that mink farming will be outlawed in Ireland by the end of the year. Banning fur farming is a part of the programme for government and was listed as a priority bill when the new year’s legislative programme was published. It is listed for
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Ireland: mink to be culled and not replaced after Covid-19 mink mutation

The Republic of Ireland’s Chief Medical Officer has advised the government to cull the mink on Ireland’s three mink farms, as a precautionary measure. The government intends to follow this advice.  Further, it is expected that the mink farmers will not be allowed to replace the animals, so it appears that fur farming is about to end. Official confirmation has not yet been issued but Respect for Animals understand that this
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Coronavirus and the fur trade: news stories round-up

It is the news that shocked the world: around 17 million mink are being slaughtered in Denmark after a mutant strain of Covid-19 was found the have passed from Mink to humans, threatening the efficacy of future vaccines. It is upsetting to see so many animals killed in such high numbers and worrying to contemplate the potential threat to human health. Fur farming is a disaster for animal welfare and
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Ireland: fur farming ban included in Programme For Government document

Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael and the Green Party are set to form the next Irish government, with all three parties agreeing on a programme of government this afternoon. Respect for Animals is delighted that the document includes a firm commitment to end fur farming in Ireland as a matter of urgency. Once the document, known as “Our Shared Future,” is signed off by parliamentary members of each party, the next
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Update: Ireland’s fur farming ban

Respect for Animals has spoken to the Republic of Ireland’s Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine (DAFM) about the progress of the proposed Bill to ban fur farming in Ireland. The Cabinet agreed in July last year to produce legislation to finally end fur farming in the country. This came after a strong campaign in which Respect for Animals was closely involved, along with animal protection groups NARA and ISPCA.
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‘Plausible’ that humans can be infected with coronavirus from fur farmed mink

It is plausible that there has been an infection of coronavirus from mink to humans, the Dutch Agriculture Minister has confirmed in a bombshell development. As previously reported, a number of fur farms in the Netherlands have been quarantined after coronavirus was detected in the animals. Fur farming is an intensive factory farm method of production, with animals kept in small cages in very close proximity. Now one of the
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‘WelFur’ denounced once again by new report

Respect for Animals’ report, The Case Against Fur Factory Farming, exposed the inherent and unnaceptable animal welfare failures in the fur industry’s WelFur scheme, which claims to be the best welfare standards fur can offer. Now, the “WelFur” scheme has been once again criticized by veterinarians for masking animal suffering and condemned as “cynical PR spin” by animal campaigners. WelFur, the fur industry animal welfare certification scheme showcased by the
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