On Wednesday 2 February 2022, the evening session of the Dáil Éireann in Ireland’s Parliament saw the report and final stages of the Bill which will finally outlaw fur farming in the Republic of Ireland. The Bill had been subject to some delay after the government decided to add legislation concerning forestry, which had nothing to do with the fur farming aspect but required further scrutiny. The ban on fur
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Victory! Estonia bans fur farming.
The bill that banning fur farming from 2026 has passed the third and final reading at the Riigikogu, the parliament of Estonia. Annaliisa Post, board member and communications manager at Estonian animal advocacy organization Loomus, declared a historic victory. “We’ve been working for years to ban fur farms and we are sincerely happy that Estonia has become the first Baltic country to ban this cruel industry. No animal should suffer
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Pressure On The Government For A Fur Free UK
Three senior Labour ministers have written to Liz Truss calling for a Fur-Free Britain, supporting the aims of Respect for Animals' Early Day Motion 267 on banning fur imports.
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Mink farms in Ireland will be shut down ‘by the end of the year’
Successive governments have pledged to ban fur farming in Ireland for some years now, after a campaign co-led by Respect for Animals. Finally, the government has confirmed that mink farming will be outlawed in Ireland by the end of the year. Banning fur farming is a part of the programme for government and was listed as a priority bill when the new year’s legislative programme was published. It is listed for
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3 reasons to donate to the campaign against the cruel fur trade
The fur trade thinks that the Covid-19 crisis will stop us campaigning to save animals. Prove them wrong. Donate today. You might have seen that the fur trade’s mentality was recently expressed in a fur industry propaganda blog, which shockingly described the coronavirus crisis as a ‘small silver lining’ and ‘an opportunity’ for the fur trade, with animal protection organisations unable to mount effective campaigns. Let’s show them a thing
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Alison Steadman’s BlogSpot
Acclaimed actor Alison Steadman has been a supporter of ours for decades. Read her Blog to find out why she has given up so much of her time down the years to help stop animals being slaughtered for their fur. As she says: 'we should all have respect for animals as well as each other.'
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We want a Fur Free UK- sign our letter
In another major victory for the anti-fur campaign, Macy’s, Inc has announced that it will stop selling real fur. This includes all Macy’s and Bloomingdale’s private brands, as well as items sold from brand partners. Fur will no longer be sold in Macy’s, Inc. off-price stores, including Macy’s Backstage and Bloomingdale’s The Outlet. As part of this commitment, the company will be closing its Fur Vaults and salons. Explaining their
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Slovakian parliament votes to ban fur farming
The Slovak National Council (the Slovakian parliament) has approved a ban on fur production, making Slovakia the 15th European country to end fur farming. The legislation, that will go into effect in 2021, passed with an overwhelming majority vote of 107 out of 150 from across the political spectrum and includes a phase-out period for existing farms until 2025. The ban was proposed by SNS (Slovak national party) after the
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Rawtenstall Market, Clog Market joins the Fur Free Markets scheme
Respect for Animals, Britain’s leading anti-fur organisation, has praised the market operators of Rawtenstall Market and the Clog Market for banning the sale of real fur. The market operator has officially signed up to the Fur Free Markets scheme and has been given a 5-star rating from Respect for Animals – making it one of the best markets in the country for their policy on real fur. The selling of
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