The number of fur sales bans continues to rise in the US as, on November 17 2021, the Hallandale Beach City Commission voted 5-0 to ban the sale of new fur products. Hallandale Beach is the first city in the State of Florida to pass this ordinance. The ordinance takes effect immediately. The ordinance was sponsored by Commissioners Michele Lazarow and Anabelle Taub-Lima. Commissioner Anabelle Taub-Lima said: “As a fiscally
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US mink farming drops to record low
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has just published its latest statistics on mink fur production, with more bad news for the cruel fur trade. The report states: Mink pelt production in the United States in 2020 totaled 1.41 million pelts, down 49 percent from 2019. Records date back to 1975, with the 2020 production data representing an all-time low. The main states for fur factory farmed mink are
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Ireland: Cabinet APRROVES fur farming ban
On Tuesday 22 June 2021, Cabinet approval was granted to abolish fur farming in the Republic of Ireland. The measures will be part of an amendment to the Animal Health and Welfare Act 2013, and are likely to include a provision that chinchillas and foxes and mink can not be farmed for their fur or skin. There are currently three fur farms in Ireland, which kill around 100,000 mink annually.
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Sweden shuts down mink fur farming
Sweden will ban breeding of mink in 2021 to prevent the risk of mutations of the coronavirus spreading to humans, the government said at a press conference on Wednesday, 27 January 2021. On October 23th 2020 the first case of coronavirus was found on a mink farm in Sweden and the virus subsequently spread to 12 other farms. At the end of 2020, the Netherlands proceeded to implement its previously
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Fur farming is a risk to human health, as Covid mutations found in mink
Around 17 million mink are being slaughtered, kept in cruel conditions and now cruelly killed just for the fur trade.
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Israel is to BAN the fur trade
Israel says it intends to ban the buying and selling of animal furs, apart from in specially approved cases, making it the first country to do so. Announcing plans for new regulations, environmental protection minister Gila Gamliel said the use of skin and fur for the fashion industry was “immoral”. Her ministry said future permits would only be considered under certain, limited criteria. Until now, only a handful of cities
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Poland close to historic fur farming ban
Over two dramatic days, the Sejm (the lower house of the Polish Parliament) has held a historic meetings advancing the legal protection of animals in Poland. It concerned the so-called “Five for animals”: a proposed bill with key changes to animal protection law. MPs voted in favour of an amendment, which includes a ban on breeding animals for fur. The sitting of Sejm on Thursday, 17 September 2020 was saw
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Horrific fur farm footage from France reveals the truth about fur
New footage, taken in August 2020, has been published by French organisation, and Fur Free Alliance colleagues of Respect for Animals, One Voice, detailing once again the truth about animal suffering on fur farms. Mink were documented with long-lasting physical injuries and serious mental anguish. There is no doubt that these animals experienced high levels of suffering. Such animal welfare failures are common on fur farms, as documented in this
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Dutch fur farms WILL close early after major Covid outbreak
The Netherlands had already intended to shut down its entire mink breeding industry by 2024, but the government has now decided to bring forward the closures to next year following Covid-19 outbreaks on 41 fur farms. Holland has long been one of the world’s biggest ‘producers’ of mink fur, but now around 5 million fewer animals will annually suffer in tiny cages and a cruel death. Sadly around 2 million young mink
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Breakthrough in campaign to end fur farming in Finland
In a historical vote, the Social Democratic party of Finland (SDP) committed to working towards ending fur farming and fur sales both in Finland and in the EU within a reasonable transition period. News on the decision broke on during the Social Democrats’ party congress, held in Tampere, Finland. Finnish animal rights organizations Animalia and Justice for Animals thank the Social Democrats for their forward-thinking conclusion. The SDP is Finland’s
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