In recent years, it has become more common for real fur items, including bobble/pompom hats, to be sold at council-run markets- often at festive markets around Christmas time. Due to a large number of complaints from members of the public, Respect for Animals is campaigning to make all UK markets ‘fur free’. On this page you will find information about individual Local Authority policies on selling real fur. Click here
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Finnish government urged to end breeding of severely obese foxes for fur
The recently revealed selective breeding of super-sized foxes on Finnish fur farms has caused an uproar in the international press. The shocking footage, that shows Arctic foxes so large they can barely move, has alarmed citizens and animal rights organizations across the globe. Member organizations of the international animal protection coalition Fur Free Alliance urges Finland to use all measures available to end the cruel breeding of the extremely
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Ask your MP to sign the Early Day Motion on the import of cat, dog and seal fur
Early Day Motion 345: BAN ON IMPORT OF CAT AND DOG FUR That this House calls on the Government to guarantee that EU bans on the import of cat and dog fur and commercial seal products will remain in place when the UK leaves the EU; and notes that the UK played key roles in the introduction of both of these bans and that both are supported by a large
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Help stop the Namibian seal slaughter
Help stop the barbaric seal hunt in Namibia by refusing to visit the country until the hunt’s abolition – and let the Namibian government know! This year once more saw the continuation of the Namibian seal hunt, a brutal and cruel annual event that is now the only one of its kind left in the Southern hemisphere. Tens of thousands of cape fur seal pups- less than a year old-
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Support Fur Labelling Legislation
(Above: An example of US fur labelling) Respect for Animals believes that it is unreasonable and impractical for consumers to have to take recourse to unfair trading legislation to protect themselves against being duped into buying the products of the cruel fur trade. It is logical for specific and simple new legislation to be brought in which would stipulate an information requirement when real animal fur is included in any
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Harvey Nichols betrays the animals- let them know what you think
Sign our petition now! Harvey Nichols has reneged on its pledge made in 2004 to stop selling real fur items. But the up-market department store (with 8 outlets in the UK) began re-selling fur products in 2013 and has continued to do so since. According to e-mails sent out by its Corporate Affairs department Harvey Nichols is ‘committed to sustainable and responsible practice across all areas of its business and
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Show your support for a fur farming ban in Czech Republic
A bill is being proposed by Members of Parliament in the Czech Republic to ban fur factory farming. This is a great opportunity to save tens of thousands of animals from lives of suffering, misery and painful deaths. Over 20,000 mink and foxes are killed for their fur in the Czech Republic every year. Your help is urgently needed, Please email the Czech Republic’s ambassador to the UK, His Excellency
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Save The Seals
Ask Your MEP to Make A Difference In the Battle Against The Fur Trade
November 2015 has seen Respect for Animals unveil our new scientific report, ‘The Case Against Fur Factory Farming: A Scientific Review of Animal Welfare Standards and WelFur’, written by academics Heather Pickett and Simon Harris. The report was presented at the European Parliament by Respect for Animals director Mark Glover. Closely examining the fur trade’s WelFur programme of ‘high animal welfare’, the report scientifically analyses and exposes the fundamental flaws
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