Furberry no more? Ask Burberry to go fur free

For years we’ve been campaigning against Burberry’s sick obsession with fur. But now they’re reviewing all of their fur products, with a viewing to ending their use. This would be a great victory for the anti-fur campaign and a major blow for the morally bankrupt fur industry. Please send emails to customer.service@burberry.com, urging them to become Fur Free Retailers. Suggested text is below. I am encouraged to see the news
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Fur debate in Parliament: ask your MP to attend

Check who your MP is and write to them here In March, a petition on the parliamentary petition website calling for a ban on the sale of real fur in the UK passed 100,000 signatures, meaning that the issue had to be considered for debate in Parliament. The petition was started by two fantastic anti-fur activists, Catherine and Diane, and, thanks to their efforts, we now have an official date.
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Fur Free Markets: template letter to write to your councillors

 Find out who your Councillors are here. We have found almost identical hats sold at different stalls on the same market for the same cheap price: one with a fake fur bobble, one with a real fur bobble. Customers had no idea that they were buying products from the cruel and unnecessary fur trade. The fact is imported fur can be very cheap – but this should not hide the
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The suffering of monster foxes continues in Finland

 The fur industry has become a disgrace for Finland and put it’s reputation as an animal friendly country to shame. Our politicians are more interested in the money than the welfare of the animals, says Kristo Muurimaa. Animal rights group Oikeutta eläimille has obtained new photos from Finnish fur farms. The footage shows extremely obese animals with severe eye infections, heavily folded skin and badly malformed feet. They are kept
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Save The Seals 2020: Boycott Canada

Every year off the east coast of Canada, out of season fishermen brutally kill thousands of baby seals – just for their fur. Their skinned carcasses are left to rot.  These beautiful, innocent animals are clubbed or shot before being skinned… all for a product that NO ONE needs! Repelled by the extreme cruelty, the European Union has now banned the sale of seal products, yet the Canadian government refuses
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Sign NOW To Help Save Serbia’s Fur Farm Ban

Rattled by recent major advances by the anti-fur movement,  the fur industry is now  putting huge pressure on the Serbian government to delay the fur farming ban (that is due to become effective in 2019) – likely following the Bosnian example. In a recent meeting of the Sector for Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the National Assembly of Serbia, held on 20 February 2018, fur farmers were able to spread
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The Grand Tour Of Shame?

Amazon’s popular show ‘The Grand Tour’ recently returned for its second series, but viewers have been in touch with Respect for Animals about their huge disappointment at the consistent wearing of real fur seen on their screens. All three presenters- Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May- wore Canada Goose jackets, complete with real coyote fur trim. These fur trims come from the cruellest methods. The leg-hold trap is most
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Urgent action needed in Bosnia

Wednesday 31 January 2018 will be a big day for animals in Bosnia – Herzegovina. The nation’s fur farming ban came into force earlier this month and was once the admiration of much of Europe. However, next Wednesday, Bosnian parliamentarians will take the final vote which – if passed- means fur farming will be allowed for a further ten years. We can’t let this happen without a fight. Thankfully, there
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PETITION: Canada Goose, stop using real fur and become a Fur Free Retailer

Gucci have done it. Michael Kors has done it. Armani, Hugo Boss, many high street retailers.. the list goes on. They are all official Fur Free Retailers. But some companies still use and sell real fur ‘harvested’ from astonishingly cruel practices.  This can’t go on. Fur belongs in the past. One of the worst offenders is Canada Goose. That’s why we are supporting this new petition. Canada Goose produce jackets
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Real fur Canada Goose jacket worn by BBC News correspondent

NEW CANADA GOOSE PETITION LAUNCHED Sign the petition and ask Canada Goose to become a Fur Free Retailer : https://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/100/915/426/   Many Respect for Animals supporters have been in touch after tuning into BBC News At Ten on both 3 and 4 January, only to be shocked and angered to see North American Correspondent Jon Sopel wearing a Canada Goose jacket with real fur trim.  This comes shortly after Alexandra
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