Respect for Animals, Britain’s leading anti-fur organisation, has praised Aylesbury Vale District Council for banning the sale of real fur from all council-run markets in the district. The Council has officially signed up to the Fur Free Markets scheme and qualifies for the top five star rating from Respect for Animals, making it one of the best councils in the country for their policy on real fur. The selling of
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#FFUK – calling for a Fur-Free UK
Can you spare a minute to sign this petition? A recent article in the Independent revealed that a UK retailer is selling a coat made from killing and skinning 100 hamsters and we all often see hats with real fox fur pompoms and coats with collars made with coyote fur. All of these animals, slaughtered cruelly for fashion. As the law stands, imports of fur are legal. The law must
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Exhibition in Bulgaria exposes the truth about fur farming
This week, the opening of the exhibition ‘The impact of fur farming’ took place at the National Museum of Natural History at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, in Sofia. The exhibition, organised by animal protection organisation CAAI, exposes the facts about how real fur is produced and why a national ban on fur farming is needed in Bulgaria. This week, the opening of the exhibition ‘The impact of fur farming’
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‘Morally bankrupt’ fur trade in financial crisis
Saga Furs records huge drop in income and prices collapse at first major fur auction of 2019 Saga Furs, one of the most prominent bodies of the global fur trade, has posted its financial report and has recorded a ‘clearly negative’ operating result. According to Saga Furs latest financial statement, the company’s total sales fell by 28% on the previous year, as the price level of mink skins fell by
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Ask Iceland to ban fur farming
In recent years, Respect for Animals supporters have added their details to letters to ambassadors of countries including Bonsia-Herzegovina, Finland, Serbia and Ireland. A ban is now in place in Serbia and making progress in Ireland. You can and have made a difference. We’re now asking you to add your name to our letter urging the Icelandic government to stop taxpayer funded subsidies to fur factory farmers and to bring
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Clothing retailers have been told to take immediate action to ensure items they advertise as containing fake fur are not made from real fur. The UK’s advertising watchdog has given them a deadline of 11 February, after which they may face sanctions. Last week the Advertising Standards Authority found online retailer Boohoo had sold a pompom jumper which used real fur, most likely rabbit fur. The Compliance function of the
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CHICCO, a brand dedicated to the entire world of babies, banned the use of animal furs since a long time but now goes one step further to undersign a formal fur-free commitment with LAV and the Fur Free Alliance. The brand, which has always focused great attention on the materials used in the production and creation of its babies’ and children’s wear collections – from 0 to 8 years –
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Serbian fur farming ban comes into force
2019 is off to an excellent start for the anti-fur movement as it is confirmed that Serbia has now banned fur farms after a 10-year phase-out. The enforcement of the ban is the successful result of a decade-long persistent struggle during which fur industry lobby groups consistently put pressure to reverse the ban. The proposed ban, which came into force on 1 January 2019, was seriously under threat for much of
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Research shows that being ‘fur-free’ offers the boost that fashion brands crave.
The global research consultancy Sigwatch has found that luxury fashion houses have dominated the top ten corporate brands most praised by activists and NGOs in the third quarter of this year. All the fashion brands listed have one thing in common: they have all stopped using real fur. This analysis provides yet more evidence that fashion brands have much to gain by going fur-free. Not only are they taking an
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Jane Halevy Moreno, December 2018
My name is Jane Halevy Moreno, I am a Vegan Animal Rights activist and mom of 2 boys. I had founded International Anti Fur Coalition movement as I decided to focus my efforts on the fur industry when I first saw the horrific footage of an animal suffering imposed by the very cruel fur industry/ “Blood Fashion”. “I saw a beautiful animal torn apart, brutally beaten, then hanged by his legs to be skinned alive and
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